Nobel prize in physics 2020 announced for 3 scientists

Nobel prize in physics 2020 announced for 3 scientists

Nobel prize in physics 2020 announced for 3 scientists. The royal Swedish academy of sciences declared award for Reinhard Genzel, Roger penrose and Andrew Ghez. They discovered about the most exotic phenomena in the universe, that is Black holes and milky way’s darkest secret.

Discoveries of the Nobel prize physics 2020 winners

Roger penrose got the award for his discovery that black hole formation is the robust prediction of the general theory of relativity.

Reinhard Genzel and Andrew Ghez jointly got the noble for their discovery of supermassive compact object at the center of our Galaxy.

How the award is distributed among 3 scientists?

As The royal Swedish academy said the prize money of the award is distributed into two parts. One of the parts is given to Roger Penrose, the remaining part of the prize is distributed between Reinhard Genzel and Andrew Ghez.

How many Nobel prizes were given so far in physics

The first Nobel prize in physics was given to wilhelm Rontgen for his discovery of X-rays in 1901. So far noble prize in physics is awarded for 114 times to the 216 Nobel laureates between 1901 to 2020.

John Bardeen is the only laureates who has been awarded noble for twice in 1956 and 1972. So totally 215 individual received the prize.

4th woman to receive Physics Nobel

So far 3 women, Marie curie (1903), Maria Goeppert (1963), Donna Strickland (2018) received Nobel prizes in Physics. Andrew Ghez stood as 4th woman to get the prize.

Among these three winners Roger Penrose working as a professor in University of Oxford. Reinhard Genzel and Andrew Ghez are working as professors in professors in University of California.

When the Nobel prize in physics -2020 given

As usual every year these awards are announced in October. The awards will be presented to the winners on December 10 at Stockholm in an annual meet. That is the death anniversary of Alfred noble.

What awardees receive as Nobel prize?

Each awardee receives a gold medal, a diploma. And the winners get prize money of 9 million of swedish kronors. The amount is shared to the winners.


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