Airport officers use dogs to sniff out Corona virus

dogs to sniff out Corona virus

Airport officers use dogs to sniff out Corona virus: Identification of covid infectants will be done by dogs sniff at the Airports from now on. Yes, you heard it right that this country’s Airport Authorities have been showing novelty in the process of identifying the covid infected by using dogs.

New way to find the corona

Everyone is following Checking the temperature to find out if anybody infected with corona besides Finding out if there are any symptoms like cough and fever so far but Finland is using it’s dogs to identify the patients differently. As soon as the passengers enter, 4 dogs of different breeds ready at Helsinki International Airport in Finland to identify passengers with corona.

How does it work?

These 4 dogs of different breed were given 4 months of training to identify the patients. Volunteers at Helsinki Airport are trying to diagnose the passengers using these trained dogs if they were infected or not.

First the passenger is told to wipe his skin with a wipe. It is collected in a jar and taken to the dog . The dog smells and detects the absence of disease within 10 seconds. Officials said it would all happen in a minute.

Finland Airport

dogs to sniff out Corona virus

we know that the dogs are good at sniffing and used in catching the thieves with that ability of sniffing. Similarly these dogs sniff the smell of virus sample and they will make gestures such as scratching with a claw, lying down or barking if they detected any passenger infected. The officials also told that if a positive result is obtained, the passenger will be tested regularly. If 2 out of four dogs are on duty then 2 will be on break.

If successful here, the Finland government authorities planning to follow the same pattern at hospitals, ports, old age homes, cultural and sports events.

First in the UAE

United Arab Emirates is already using this method to identify those infected with the corona virus. Australia, France, Germany and the United States wish to use their dogs to detect the corona affected in this way soon.


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