NASA Astronaut will vote from Space

NASA Astronaut will vote from Space

NASA Astronaut will vote from Space : Astronaut Kate Rubin is working in NASA, USA. She will be on the space station, by the time of her country’s Presidential election. Even though, she plans to cast her vote from space. she is now in Russia. further, she is preparing to launch towards International Space Station in October month.

Why she stands to vote from Space

According to her, it is so important for every citizen to use their right to vote. In fact, She is strongly believes that being as astronauts if they voted from Space Station. Which is located 200 miles above from the earth.

Certainly, it will be inspiration to ground people to realize the importance of Vote.

Who is the first person to vote from Space

In 1997 Texas legislature passed a bill which allows astronauts to vote from Space. While David Wolf become the first NASA astronaut to cast his vote from Space.
During Presidential elections in 2016. Both astronauts Edward Michael Fincke and Greg chammitoff cast their vote from the Space Station by using secret ballot.

How does the vote from Space process work

With reference to the rules, a person who is on the space station during the voting or its early. Prior to the election, they are allowed to apply for the vote through a Federal Post card Application.

Then NASA will forward it to secretary of the state. Consequently, an encrypted electronic ballot paper send to the astronaut one day prior to Voting day. For those who are on the Space station. Along with ballot paper they receive personal credential to maintain security. In order to, complete the voting process.

As soon as receiving the ballot paper, they cost their vote. Then after send them back to the earth by email. In order to entry in clerk’s office. Through the above steps ‘vote from Space’ process will be completed.

As, we know that now a days not only developing countries but also developed countries also registering a less percentage of voting.

No doubt, this is an inspirational move from astronauts. Which can motivates the voters towards voting. So that, they can elect the Governments of their choice.


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