Sonu Sood donated Rs.20 lakh to save a 6 year old boy

Sonu Sood donated Rs.20 lakh to save a 6 year old boy

Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has once again showed his great generosity in helping others. Sonu Sood came forward to help with the costly surgery of Harshavardhan’s liver transplantation. Sonu Sood donated Rs.20 lakh to save a 6 year old boy.

Another great philanthropic response from Sonu Sood

Harshavardhan is a six years old poor boy hails from Sankeesa village located Dornakal mandal, Mahabubabad district, Telangana. His parents are Nagaraju and Laxmi. He has been suffering from liver disorders since he was six months old. His parents have been offering him the medication and treatment.

Recently, the boy’s condition is critical and shifted to a private hospital in Hyderabad. Doctors confirmed that the liver transplantation is the only chance to save him.

Poverty bothered the parents to offer an expensive surgery

The Operation requires a huge amount of Rs.20 lakhs. Nagaraju, who works as a driver cannot afford such valuable medical treatment.

Sonu’s arrival in Hyderabad has given the boy ‘s parents a new hope

By some means, Nagaraju and family came to know that Sonu Sood is about to visit  Hyderabad for a shooting. They decided to approach him if he could help them any.
The day when Sonu arrived Hyderabad, The boy’s parents met Sonu sood and explained their helplessness.

The boy’s condition and Nagraj’s plight stunned Sonu Sood…agreed to help.

We have witnessed Sonu’s charity earlier. He helped many people during lockdown period. He is kind enough to help the needy.

Having known to the plight of this boy Sonu agreed to help him with the required amount. Sonu said that he could bear the expenses of Rs.20 lakh for the boy’s surgery.

Also Read : Think ten times before being admitted to the hospital

On the advice of Sonu Sood, Nagaraju joined the boy at Appolo hospital, Hyderabad that evening for the surgery.

Nagaraju and Laxmi, the parents of Harshavardhan expressed their gratitude to Sonu Sood. They said that Sonu has given their boy a rebirth, and he is a godly mannered. Sonu Sood, now becomes a God to this family and many more by extending his generosity to the needy.

Many appreciations for this real hero. He has become an inspiration to so many people in this society.


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