The Nobel Prize VS The Ig Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize VS The Ig Nobel Prize

We cannot be confused with the awards famous Nobel Prize, and the Ig Nobel Prize. The word Ig Nobel is a opposite of Nobel, which means as inferior. This Prize is awarded by a magazine named Annals of Improbable Research every year from 1991 as a criticism via satire, parody and yet appreciation. Most often they pay attention to Scientific articles that have funny and unexpected in manner to select for this Prize.

It is awarded to celebrate ten uncommon findings in different fields like Acoustics, Psychology, Peace, Medical Education, Material Science, Physics, Economics, Medicine.

The Ig Nobel prizes given to recognize the achievements those make public first FUN, and later Think about it.

Surprisingly the Ig Nobel Prizes are physically presented by genuine Nobel Prize winners in a ceremony at the Sanders theatre, which is located Harvard University. Followed by this ceremony award winners give their public speeches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Some times these insignificant researches lead to important breakthroughs. For example, In 2006 One of these researches from Ig Nobel brought out that Malaria mosquitoes are attracted as equally to the smell of one kind of cheese and the smell of human feet, Which gained the Ig Nobel Prize in the field of Biology. As a findings of this research the smell of the particular cheese used to protect the people from dangerous Epidemic Malaria in some parts of Africa.

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Sir Andre Geim for levitating a frog by magnetism had been awarded Ig Nobel Prize in 2000 and was awarded Nobel Prize as well for his work with the electromagnetic properties of graphene in Physics in 2010. He is the only person to has received both prizes a Nobel as well as an Ig Nobel.

So let us aim for Noble prize or at least Ig Nobel prize which surprises the world with the selection of unexpected, un common and funny researches.


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