This Eco Friendly, Delhi Teen Named UNs 2020 Class of young leaders for SDG’s

Glass to Sand

Delhi Teen Named UNs 2020 Class of young leaders for SDG’s : The Sustainable Development Goals are the action plan to achieve a quality and more sustainable future all over the world. They address the global problems we face, including poverty, climate change, inequality, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

Udit Singhal 18year old boy from Delhi started a company to crush and convert glass waste into sand has been named UNs 2020 class of young leaders for sustainable development goals. This is considered as the highest recognition for the youth in the world towards sustainable goals.

He is the founder of Glass2Sand, which addressed the problem of growing used glass waste in Delhi. The office of the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on youth mentioned in her statement that With this initiative, empty used glass water bottles are put a stop from being dumped into land fills, where they cannot be decomposed for thousands of years and by crushing them we get useful sand as a by product. He saw all these glass bottles piling at home and he did not want to end up in the landfill, was not a solution.

He searched for techniques to degrade these glass bottles eco-friendly . While searching in internet he came to know about a technique with which glass bottles could be crushed into sand, and to him, it seemed like the best idea. It was machine that found in New-Zealand which can crush the glass bottles into sand, which is worthful in constructions. He was pleased in that concept.

He thought that was appropriate solution to the mounting glass bottles was seeing around him. Wanting to bring the machine from New Zealand to India, he contacted the New Zealand High Commission in Delhi and expressed his idea to them. When he told them about his idea, they were kind enough to bear some fund for his project. His parents also supported his idea and contributed the remaining amount.

The machine crushes glass bottles and covert them into sand within less time. It also decreases its volume by almost 90 per cent. The sand produced from recycled bottles is useful for the construction industry. Udit began to make use of the machine from 2019. Statistically with in short period of time this initiate prevented over 8000 bottles from being dumped into land fills and contributed 4815kg of quality silica sand so far.

Delhi Teen Named UNs 2020 Class of young leaders for SDG's

The Young Leaders for the SDGs program is organized by every two years, the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth. The 2020 Class of 17 Young Leaders includes representatives from different countries around the world including developed and developing countries. The UN Secretary General’s Envoy on youth told as the United Nations marks its 75 anniversary, the young leaders for the SGD’s are a live example of how young people are leading the way to mold a more inclusive and sustainable future world.

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This group will work together as a community to support and guide young people in the awareness of the SDGs both through strategic opportunities with the UN and through their present initiatives, platforms and networks. He says that as a young leader for UN SGD’s, he will contribute his service towards sustainable development all over the world and motivate the youth towards aware of Sustainable Development Goals.

Thus Whole country inspires about the achievement of Udit Singhal, who expressed his strong determination to save Environment .India one of highest youth population
and human resources country in the world, If we guide our young minds to these kind of innovations from very early stage itself, thus India becomes the self reliant country and abolish its poverty. This is what The New Education Policy-2020 will focus on.


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